Call for Book Chapters

International Center for Islamic Architecture from the Sunnah
Department of Architecture, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Book Title:
Contemporary Architecture of Islamic Societies between Globalization and Traditions

The architectural intellectual interaction sound of the Islamic world has faded away. This wanning was not by concurrence but due to social and political accretions and bushed Islamic cultural retreated, recoiled and fell.

The return to authentic Islamic architecture is just an extension of a long dialogue between the Islamic world and its architectural heritage which had suffered of stillness caused by the clash stun of the evolving West which escorted a declination in all branches of science and knowledge making. The Islamic world turned to be a fertile land to cultivate any hybrid plant nothing to do with culture and therefore whatever grew and grew fast stumpage remains hybrid without roots.

The journey towards authenticity does not intend here to restore the past, but a revival derived its continuity and innovation of its past places trophy and fuses in modern technology.

We believe that the Muslims’ flow is a type of globalization “Islamization” OR “Unity and Diversity” where contemporary architecture in Muslim societies and cities varied and is full of a mixture in its architecture which fused in Islam crucible of unity. It featured Fustat, Kairouan, Faz and Andalusia each have its own character and urban fabric which is “Diversity”, but retains one spirit and soul “UNITY”.

We’re trying here to understand and rehabilitate “Islamization” facing globalization, through conscious understanding of Islamic history principle fragmentation layers of history (Deconstruction of History Layers) and reorder this very rich tissues (Restructure of Time to accommodate our present and anticipate our future and heal this status of schizophrenia that we are living in now.

It is not a hem in within oneself or an attack on others ideas or an underdevelopment thinking and a reactionary discard of ideas. But it is an invitation to give breathe to the idea and endorse this philosophy of “Islamization”.

It is an invitation to deeper understanding of the belief we are living in and instead of watching and waiting negatively the pending days. A call to meditation viewing our personal identity and an invitation to diligent and to faith in “unity” rather than fragmentation and disintegration.

We invite all scholars interested in these subjects to contribute in the following areas (researcher can propose field in context):

1. Islamic Architecture from the Perspective of Modernity
2. Islamic Architecture from the Perspective of Postmodern
3. Islamic Architecture and Politics
4. Impact of Deconstruction on Islamic Fabric
5. Identity between Experimentation and Alienation
6. Islamic Globalization
7. Globalization and Islamization
8. Past-Present-Future
9. Identity, Heritage in the Face of Globalization
10.Contemporary Islamic Architectural Experiments

Book Language: English

Abstracts: Not more than 500 words and final manuscript expected to be not more than 10,000 words-without references.

Book Editors
Dr. M. Alaa Mandour (SQU, Oman)
Dr. Nangkula Utaberta (UKM, Malaysia)

Important Dates
Call for Book Chapters : Sept 2010
Dead line for receiving abstracts : November 15th, 2010
Notification of accepted abstracts : December 15th, 2010
Final Book Chapter submission : March 1st, 2011

Final Correction : May 15th, 2011

Publishing: Depends on the publisher timing (Early June 2011)

Submission address:
To :
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